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Achievements are certain goals you can earn while playing the game. The typical achievements are acquired through different milestones reached in the game. 

Although, the player will not receive anything special for accomplishing any achievement. 



The Achievements icon displays a trophy icon with "achieves" as its caption. It is located on the upper-right section of the screen.

Tapping on it will take you to the Achievements and Quests screen.


The menu displays two tabs, Achievements or Quests. Here we will be discussing the mentioned article.

The Achievements tab have seventeen different achievements for obtainment by the player.It is a little sideshow by the developers to make the game less boring.

The Achievements

This is the list of the achievements in the game, there are seventeen in total.

Achievement Description Proper Requirements (If needed)
Carnivore Eat another animal Defeat a creature of any level.
Apex Predator Eat an animal that is Level 15 or higher None
The Mighty Hunt Eat an animal Level 40 or higher None
You're A Wizard! Unlock a second perk Get another perk that you don't have yet.
Skillmaster Unlock half of all perks Get 6 perks.
Jack of All Trades Unlock all perks Get twelve perks.
Better, Faster, Stronger Reach Level 3 None
Mighty Creature Reach Level 15 None
Survival of the Fittest Reach Level 25 None
King of the Wild Reach Level 50 None
Ultimate Species Reach Level 100 None
Home Sweet Home Build a Shack Build and place a Shack.
Living with Style! Build a Mansion Build and place a Mansion.
Your Royal Highness Build a Castle! Build and place a Castle.
Pure Precision Win a HARD game of Monster Pool None
Fast Tapper Win a HARD game of Creature Karaoke None
Critter Crush Example Finish the Critter Crush minigame once.


  • The Better, Faster, Stronger achievement is slightly inaccurate, as leveling up does not increase the Hybrid's movement speed.
  • The Ultimate Species achievement is also inaccurate, as other players' Hybrids may be of much higher level.