Vending Machine

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Vending Machine is an online item that can be used to sell your items on online servers.


Vending Machine appears to be in the shape of a refrigerator with colour small boxes placed like a bookshelf.It can be painted with any colour.

Vending Machine (Locked)

Vending Machine when placed

How to get it:

Before you get it,you need to get the 'Online Items' pack unlocked from the Mutant Market.

If you have unlocked, there are two ways of getting it, one is by crafting it from the Crafting Table.You need the 90+ crafting skills to craft it.The second way is buy it from the npc Jacklin.

Using Vending Machine:

To sell an item, you need to place it a place, then opening it.Then you must choose an item from your Inventory and insert it there.After that, you can enter the price for that item that you wish to sell.You can even customise it for other items except coins! Then click 'Confirm'.And there you go! You have successfully placed an item in the Vending Machine!

Vending Machine Selling

To an item, ine, click the item that is available on the vending machine and is not tagged with 'Sold out'.If you have that much mney or items in your Inventory , you can press 'confirm' and then the item will get placed in your inventory after deducting that much amount from your inventory.