Tileable Blocks

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Tileable Blocks are modular blocks which automatically connect to each other on the building grid and share properties as needed. They include two categories: Tiles and Walls.


Stitched together to create larger textures, simulating paths and patches of ground. The items can be stacked to 10 per inventory slot, painted en masse and stamped individually.

They are usually very cheap to produce as usages are plenty for builds.

Tile blocks and their properties

Name Icon Display Colorable Prices (Buy/Sell) Crafting requirement Recipe Description
Dirt Path 70x70px Disp dirt path.png Yes /1 0 2 Sticks A basic dirt road dug using a stick
Cobblestone Path 70x70px Disp cobblestone path.png Yes /1 12 2 Stone For walking on.
Stone Bricks 70x70px Disp stone bricks.png Yes /2 18 3 Stone Tightly packed stone flooring
Bounce Pad 70x70px Disp bounce pad.png Yes 155/40 72 2 Silk Walk on it and you will shoot upwards!
Lava Tile lava.png Disp lava.png No 20/5 Uncraftable None Don't touch it, or you'll burst into flames!


Combine to form a barrier, restricting player movement. Like tiles, they can be stacked to 10, painted en masse and stamped individually. Unlike Tiles, Walls of one type do not connect to another.

Caption text
Name Icon Placed/Joined models Prices (Buy/sell) Crafting requirement Recipe Description
Palisade Walls Not Provided Disp palisade wall.png Example 6 15 Sticks Keeps things out.
Wood Fences Not Provided Disp wood fence.png Example 24 4 Sticks A wood fence that keeps things in.
Low Stone Wall Item low stone wall.png Disp low stone wall.png Example 18 7 Stones Keeps things out.
Tall Stone Wall Item tall stone wall.png Disp tall stone wall.png Example 30 7 Stones Keeps things out.