Music Box

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Music box ha 3.PNG

The Music Box is a Special Furniture item that allows the player to create and play Saved Records.



The Music Box resembles a gramophone, both in appearance and in function.

When playing a Saved Record, multicolored eighth notes are be seen appearing and fading away from the Music Box's funnel. The colors of the notes depend on the type of instrument/sound they correspond to.


Interacting with the Music Box displays a window with 2 main panels and secondary options. The upper panel displays the current page of the track, with its bars and added notes. The lower panel represents a single piano's octave, with notes' corresponding names written on each key.

The secondary options and adjustments include:

  • Play/Pause button (top)
  • Track speed (top) - Toggles the speed in which the current track would play.
  • Load, New, and Save (top-left) - Load allows the player to load a track from a Saved Record; New erases the current track; Save allows the player to save the current track into an Empty Disc.
  • Page numbers (top-right)
  • Instrument type (bottom-left) - Toggles the type of instrument that will be used by added notes.
  • Note length (right/bottom-right) - Toggles how long added notes play. Can be toggled between one note per one, two, four, or eight bars.
  • Pitch/octave switcher (bottom/bottom-right) - Toggles the piano's octave, changing the pitch of the added notes.


