Default Crafting

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Default Crafting is the menu that is accessible by tapping on the 'Crafting' button on the Inventory GUI.


Default Crafting is supposed to be the first crafting station in Hybrid Animals, and a few basic items can be crafted from here. There are a total of 11 recipes in this menu.

Crafting Recipes

Item Description Crafting Recipe
Item wood pick.png Wood Pick Allows you to mine rock when equipped 3 Sticks
Item basket.png Basket Store items inside it 4 Sticks
Item shack.png Shack Cozy house that you can live in 7 Sticks
Item stone sword.png Stone Sword Do 1-3 more damage 1 Stick

3 Stone Ores

Item stone pick.png Stone Pick Allows you to mine metal when equipped 1 Stick

4 Stone Ores

Item crafting table.png Crafting Table Unlocks advanced recipes 3 Sticks
Item wood helm.png Wood Helmet Take 1 less damage every hit 4 Sticks
Item wood armor.png Wood Armor Take 1 less damage every hit 4 Sticks
Item snowman.png Snowman A friend made from snow 4 Snowballs
Item stump chair.png Stump Chair Sit on it 2 Sticks
Item igloo.png Igloo A cozy home made from snow! 15 Snowballs

Many players tend to disregard the menu as the Crafting Table can easily be built, and that provides much more recipes than Default Crafting.