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Green Blob

The Green XP Orb

The Green Blob is a naturally generated structure in Hybrid Animals. It is the first of the three Blobs.                                     


The green blob is a transparent green orb, with a smaller opaque green orb inside.


Green XP orbs, when destroyed, gives 5 XP It needs 3 hits to be destroyed, and damage doesn't affect it unless it's damaged by perks. Its health is 3 meaning most perks can instantly kill it.It is the weakest of all the three orbs.

Red XP Orb

The red XP orb is a naturally generated structure in Hybrid Animals.

The red XP orb.


The red blob is made of three transparent red orbs, each with an opaque red orb inside.


When the Red Blob gets destroyed, the player will gain 10 XP.

Just like other blobs, it needs a certain amount of hits to be destroyed, and it isn't affected by damage. In this case, it's 5 hits. Its health is 5 meaning it's also easy to kill with perks.

Blue XP Orb

The blue XP orb is a naturally generated structure in Hybrid Animals.

The blue XP orb


The blue blob is a transparent blue orb with a large opaque blue orb inside, with five smaller transparent blue orbs with opaque blue orbs inside rotating around it.


After the blue blob is destroyed, the player gains 15 XP.

Much like other blobs they require hits and not damage, for blue blobs it's 8. They can also easily be killed by perks, as their health is 8.


  • They all don't change places and always respawn after a short amount of time
  • They don't have a collision box, meaning players and animals can pass through them freely
  • They all spin and bob, they also don't get affected by darkness (confirmation needed)
  • They don't allow objects being placed directly above them