Plants and Hives

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Berries and Berry Bushes

The berry bush is a naturally generated structure in Hybrid Animals.

Berries are the items that are received from bushes.


The bush is made of a pile of leaves, with three colored hexagons at the top that serve as the berries. The leaves have different colors that vary for every kind of Berry they contain.


When the bush is clicked without the use of a shovel, these hexagons disappear, and enter the inventory as a Berry, until the bush has been off screen for long enough to refresh.

If clicked with a shovel, the bush itself will enter the player's inventory, and will not respawn again unless replaced.

If clicked with a shovel while the bush has no berries, an empty Berry Bush will enter your inventory. This item's icon lacks the berries a regular bush item has. It will remain empty if placed, and like any other placed bushes, will respawn its berries after some time.

Kinds of Bushes

Each bush has a differently-colored variant of leaves depending on the berries atop them.

  • Blue colored hexagons on top of green leaves are plain Berries
  • Magenta colored hexagons on top of white leaves are Moon Berries
  • Yellow colored hexagons on top of dark green leaves are Gold Berries
  • Pink-ish colored hexagons on top of pinkish-green leaves are Salmon Berries


Name Rarity Location
Berry Bush Common Grasslands
MoonBerry Bush Uncommon Snowed-Over regions
GoldBerry Bush Rare Evergreen Forests and Swamps
SalmonBerry Bush Very Uncommon Evergreen Forests and Swamps


  • The classic Berries are used in making Berry Jam - Restores a bit of your health.
  • MoonBerries can be used to craft Moon Jam - Improves your vision!
  • GoldBerries are used with Honeycombs as ingredients for Super Jam - Restores all of your health!
  • SalmonBerries are used to make red paint-paints your house red!


  • Because the bush can be placed anywhere, they can be placed next to each other to create a berry farm or a berry park and a berry garden
  • Ever since the update, (number needed), SalmonBerries and their bushes were added to the game. This included a use for Uranium Bars and the Egg Fuser.


  • If the user walks in-between two bushes with the speed helm on, they will fall through the floor

Cotton and Cotton Plants

Cotton plants are naturally generated structures added in Version 200265 of Hybrid Animals.

Cotton is the item acquired from the plant.


Screenshot 2021-01-07-16-50-27 (edit 2).png

The cotton plant has a rather simple structure, having only a thin, dark stem with six white puffy spheres at the top that seem to be the cotton. This plant also has no leaves suprisingly.

Fun fact: there is also no other variant of cotton plants.


Similar to berry bushes, if the plant is clicked without the use of a shovel, these puffy spheres will disappear, and will enter the inventory as cotton. If the plant has been off-screen long enough, it will refresh its cotton.

Of course, if clicked with a shovel, the plant itself will enter the player's inventory, and will not respawn even after a certain amount of time off screen.

Similarly to the empty berry bush, an empty cotton plant will enter the inventory if shoveled while having no cotton on it. It will remain empty if placed, and will respawn its cotton after a while.


Name Rarity Location
Cotton Plant Uncommon All Terrains except Water and Sandy Beach


  • Cotton Plants are used in creating rugs, beds and functional decoration items.
  • Cotton Plants are also used to make tents
  • Cotton Plants give cotton which are used in many hats.


Mushrooms are edible items that have different variations and sizes.


Well they look like, mushrooms. Having a stem and a cap, with each cap having different colors depending on the variation. There is a small and large variant of the mushrooms, the latter can be found exclusively in Caves.


If clicked on, the player will obtain one mushroom (three for the large variants).

They can be obtained by a shovel and thus getting a Dug-up Mushroom item which can be placed again to respawn. Larger Variants, which are exclusive in Caves, are capable of giving 3 mushrooms at a time instead of one mushroom.

Like the others, it gives an empty mushroom if shoveled while it hasn't regenerated. The icon uses the root texture of the original Dug-Up Mushroom, and will remain empty if placed. It will regenerate after a certain time period.


Name Rarity Location
Brown Mushroom Slightly Uncommon Swamps and forests
Red Mushroom Very Uncommon forest
Purple Mushroom Rare Swamp marsh


They are used for food, and other crafting recipes. Purple Mushrooms gives a poison effect to you when it is eaten.


Purple Mushrooms have a 5% chance to instantly kill the player that ate them, if the player has an Dark Sword or Ancient Scythe equipped. Altough not confirmed, it's strongly believed that this is a bug. This can also be done with Raw Meat and Lava.


Hives are naturally generating spawners with some angry animals guarding them. Beehives are guarded by wasps while Spider hives are guarded by well, spiders.

A rare spawn of 3 wasp hives right next to eachother [1]


Bee Hive: A yellow hive with a hole on the top and small black dots flying around it

Spider Hive: A reskin of the Bee Hive but the little black dots are crawling on it


Once you obtain them with a shovel, the angry animals will no longer respawn. Beehives give honeycomb while Spider hives give silk.


Name Rarity Location
Beehive Common Grass
Spider hive Uncommon Swamp


Honeycombs are used in food and potions,such as Super Jam, Rushers,and more! While Silk is used for hats, rugs and other stuff from looms.


Spider Hives used to give Egg Sacks instead of Silk.

Note: Bonsais aren't normal Plants because they aren't able to be picked up with a shovel. Instead, the Builder Tools are used.

Bonsai Trees



Golden Bonsai Tree

Bonsai Tree: A small tree of an unknown species

(Cherry) Pink Bonsai tree: A reskin of the Normal bonsai. This tree resembles a Prunus serrulata

Golden Bonsai: Much like Pink Bonsai Is a reskin of the normal tree. It has been reskinned into a golden tree


Doesn't really have a function. But you could sell it or trade it.


Name Rarity Obtained From
Bonsai Tree uncommmon Gold or titanium chests, or bought from Filbert.
Pink Bonsai Tree rare Gold or titanium chests
Golden Bonsai Tree rare From Game Guy at impossible or from chests.
2 Bonsai Tree
Pink Bonsai Tree


No current use but it displays the age and also gives a lot of gold when sold to Filbert.


Beehive with wasps around it

Beehives: Beehives are hives that can be used to get honeycomb that can be used to craft foods.They can be bought from Filbert NPC or can be found naturally in grassland biome.If you found a Beehive naturally then you will see three(3) wasps around it,as 3 wasps are spawned when you found a Beehive naturally.If you picked and placed that Beehive then it would not spawn wasps around it any more.Or if you bought a Beehive from filbert then it would not spawn wasps around it.

Spiderhive with spiders around it

Spiderhives: Spiderhives are also hives that produces the 'silk' item from it that can be used to craft rugs in loom. 3 spiders can be seen around it if you found it placed naturally.Or if you bought it from Filbert then it would not spawn spiders around it any more.Its a rare hive that can be found naturally in swamp biomes,it can be got by searching for it in swamp biome.